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Workflow “Check”

The following is an outline of our translation workflow from receiving an inquiry for services to final delivery. (Click on each button for details)

Translation Workflow
Free Trial and Estimate
Request for Services
Translator Selection and Translation
Quality Check


Completed translations are checked, among other things, to verify whether:
Any portion of the source document has been omitted
Any portion of the source document has been misinterpreted
The proper terminology has been used
When necessary, we consult with the translator to revise the translation before delivery to the client.

Whether a document is translated from Japanese to English or English to Japanese, it is essential to convey the subtle nuances inherent in the source text. Our translators are selected for their ability to discern the nuances of the source language as well as the writer’s intentions, and then faithfully convey these in the target language. We routinely consult with our translators and request revisions when necessary.

→Next: Delivery


WORD TRUST Japanese お問合せはこちらへ 電話:03-6427-0061